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Pelvic floor muscles! [Part 1]

If you have been attending my pregnancy and postnatal yoga classes you will know that I talk about pelvic floor muscles A LOT!

Now let me share a secret with you. My pelvic floor is a drama queen. It has been almost 4 years since I was last pregnant, 11 years since my first pregnancy and it still behave like I gave birth last week. My partner’s favourite game is too make me laugh until a little wee comes out! And I can’t sneeze without fearing for my knickers.

In fairness my pelvic floor is far stronger since my second pregnancy than it was after my first baby. And that’s because I did a lot of exercices the second time around and it really made a difference.  11 years ago I didn’t know all the wonderful things I know now on how and why you should squeeze.

So let me share with you some wonderful facts:
1 – The pelvic floor muscles supports your internal organs (bladder, intestines, uterus etc.) as well as your spine.
2 – They maintains bladder and bowel control (including when you sneeze, cough, lift heavy objects etc.).
3 – They help you enjoy sex more.
During pregnancy and birth:
4 – They help prevent constipation and piles.
5 – They supports the weight of the baby and amniotic fluid.
6 – Helps rotate the baby’s head into the correct birth position.

Do you know any more facts about the pelvic floor muscles? In the next post I will look at the different exercises you can do to train those muscles.

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