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How to choose the right breast pump according to your needs

If I got a quid every time someone asked me this question or I read it somewhere on social media, I’d be sunning my self up somewhere hot with a mojito in hand.It is the most personal question that deserves the most taylored personal answer. It’s like you…

Pelvic floor muscles! [Part 2]

As per my previous post, our pelvic floor muscles are very important in our day to day life. They keep us from being incontinent, they hold our babies in tightly when we are pregnant, and, AND they can cure erectile dysfunction in men! Yes really!********…

Pelvic floor muscles! [Part 1]

If you have been attending my pregnancy and postnatal yoga classes you will know that I talk about pelvic floor muscles A LOT!Now let me share a secret with you. My pelvic floor is a drama queen. It has been almost 4 years since I was last pregnant, 11 ye…

Baby Massage

The sense of touch

The sense of touch is the very first sense to develop in utero at around 8 weeks gestation. That’s so incredible and it is no wonder how important positive touch is in soothing and learning your baby once they are born.Baby massage is one of those skills …

Should I really join a pregnancy yoga class?

Wether you are a yoga expert or you’re brand new to the Sankrit art of joining the mind and the body together, both you and your baby will benefit from joining a yoga class that specialises in pregnancy.What’s the difference between between my standard yo…

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